You’ve all been there before – you’re at work (or internship) and the unthinkable happens: you realize you forgot to put deodorant on this morning. Now what do you do? Sit there and worry that you smell all day. As fun as that sounds, there are 9 things you can keep in your desk to avoid any catastrophes that might arise during your workday. So what if you have a ‘mom drawer’, it never hurts to be prepared!
- Band-Aids. Between new-heel blisters, paper cuts, or accidentally slicing your finger open with a scissor (definitely not speaking from experience…) Band-Aids are essential. You can find a cheap box of a variety of sizes at Wal-Mart or Target!
- Lint roller. If you have a pet, you understand this all too well. You remember that day when you went into work and wore black pants only to look down once you got to your desk and find your pet’s hair ALL OVER YOU? A lint roller would’ve been oh-so-handy.
- Mints/Gum. How many cups of coffee did you have?
- Painkillers. Headaches, cramps, and those heels you’re trying to break in…you never feel less productive than when you’re in pain, so buy a bottle of Ibuprofen and keep that in your drawer.
- Deodorant. Talk about a lifesaver. Sometimes you’re in a rush in the morning and that’s – of course – the one thing you forget to put on. Some days there’s a fire drill, and others you have a huuuuge presentation to the Vice President of your company. Trust me, a travel size deodorant is worth the investment.
- Non-perishable snacks. You know how at 3:00 P.M. your stomach starts to growl, you get a bit hangry, and you feel super unproductive? Having some snacks in your drawer to keep you going will be your lifesaver. Both your body and your coworkers will thank you.
- Baby wipes/disinfectant wipes. Do you ever rub your face while sitting at your desk and then touch a piece of paper and see all of those cute fingerprints on it? What about when your desk is dirty? When there’s a bug going around the office and it’s germ central? Clean everything with a disinfectant wipe and you’ll be good to go!
- Hand sanitizer. Aka my best friend. People make fun of me for having it in my makeup bag in my purse, one hanging on my purse, and having one on my desk, but I really try to avoid getting sick at all costs. Not only is it nice to have to protect you from office germs, it’s nice to have to clean your hands off right before lunch.
- Hair ties and bobby pins. We all have that one piece of hair that won’t behave. Don’t rummage through your purse for a nasty bobby pin; just pull one out of your desk and you’ll be good to go!
long as you have these 9 essentials, you’ll have the tools to face your own
emergencies and will be able to help your coworkers with theirs’ as well!
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